Monday, December 9, 2013

Lately : Fall 2013

As you can see, I'm really behind on the blogging thing. During Spring and Summer you can't really tell if I'm behind because everything looks relatively the same. But there's no denying it when you see bright Fall leaves and Winter snow.
It's been a more quite few weeks at home. We had to fight off some colds but we're thankful to be over that now. I pretty much have cabin fever this week though, which is always a dangerous thing because when I do go out I normally go shopping.

I thought I'd post a few funny things Evin ( or 'Efin' as he calls himself) has done or said recently. At least I think they're funny. Maybe you just had to be there...

His newest word is: 'Hangonwaitaminutesec' (all one word) As he raises his cute little finger and turns as if to go talk to some important clients in the conference room.

Tim was nailing something to the wall the other day and he had to stand on Evin's little chair. This was very alarming to Evin. He came over telling his dad how dangerous it was and that he needed to get down. Once Tim got down Evin couldn't praise him enough saying things like: 'Good job', 'Oh thank you', 'You're a good helper boy'.

He grabbed my hand the other day and said: 'Come on Mrs. Chubby'. Ah! Were did that come from?!

This morning he grabbed his camera and said, 'I need to go to the beach'. Yep, I guess he is my son.

And as I type this he's telling me that he needs to clean the kitchen. Ok, fine with me kid! I blog while you clean the kitchen. Sounds like a good plan to me.

It's pretty much non-stop talking around here. He's talking to me, Tim, 'Gotty', or himself...all the time.
He's my curious little guy. We can tell he's the type that needs to know how things work. Whereas Scotty just wants to be with the people. It's great how you can see so much of their personalities already.

I haven't forgotten about all you who are following our love story. The next part will be coming soon
I also have our Thanksgiving, Tim's 50's birthday party, and a Christmas decorating posts in the works. Make sure to follow by email down at the bottom right of this page if you want to be notified when I post.

Here's a few pictures from what seems like just a few days ago...when it was Fall. He was so excited to go outside he didn't think he had time to get dressed, and ran out in his pjs and sandals. Once he made sure the door was properly locked of course.

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  1. So cute, I really can't wait until Judah starts talking... it's going to be so much fun!

  2. *lol-ing over here* Love those boys!! <3 "You're a good helper boy" and "Mrs. Chubby" are pretty classic. ;]

  3. Evin's quotes are seriously WAY too adorable - love it!! Miss that little buddy. <3 And these pictures are so sweet. Blessings, Evy + fam!


  5. He is so adorable! I love all the pictures! "You're a good helper boy"- seriously way to funny! lol
