Friday, March 2, 2012

Evin the Valentine Cherub

Ah! How can it be Friday already!? Oh well, I'm not complaining :)
I mentioned a second post, so here it is.
Okaaay, so I had this idea to do a little Valentine shoot with Evin where he was covered with kisses.
Well, let me tell you, it's not the easiest thing to do.
And anyone that can pull off a lipstick kiss on a baby has my admiration.

Poor kid, he looked like someone beat him up. Just pretend the marks look like kisses and know that we did not do any harm to our son.

Does it kinda look like a kiss?

This next picture has got the be the most disturbing image of myself I've ever put online. Positively scary.

And you can see why I don't wear red lipstick.

And I'll leave you with a less traumatizing image in your mind.
Unless of course it looks like the poor child is beat up, in that case...I just can't win.
Happy Friday! What plans do you have for the weekend?
I'm working on a storyboard for a short film, going to a big baby clothes sale, and a birthday party!
Oh and p.s. go check out my photography blog for a little February recap.


  1. I think they are cute, they do look like kiss marks and not like he was beat up. :)

  2. Agh! It's the most wonderful, the most adorable, the most magnificent, the bestest ever, the most awesome, the most stupendous ... the most fluffable kissibly cute child! +D

  3. Hahaha...I am cracking up at this, he looks so bewildered the whole time :) cute! :)
